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Regional Market Initiative Unit

MSD has a well-established distribution network and modern warehouse and cold chain storage capacity, centralized with a synchronized ICT systems to ensure supply chain operations are harmonized across all MSD sales locations. Additionally, MSD placed over 200 distribution fleet and trucks to support direct delivery of health commodities directly to end-users mostly scattered in baseline locations. It is because of these strengths that SADC Ministers of Health and Ministers responsible for HIV and AIDS in November 2017 in Polokwane - South Africa approved MSD to handle pooled procurement services of health commodities for sixteen (16) SADC Member States with an estimated population of 346 million people.

For easy implementation of the pooled procurement services, the harmonized list of SADC tracer items was developed. These items were obtained under different assumptions, the most critical one being the disease patterns within the region and the National Essential Medicine Lists of the Member States. The feasibility study that was conducted to identify commonly used health commodities in the region fostered this process. MSD developed an electronic platform known as the Electronic Pooled Procurement Services (eSPPS) where all SPPS activities will be carried out; through which MSD and Member States will be able to build and maintain a constructive and sustainable working relationship.

SADC Member States

  • Angola
  • Botswana
  • Comoros
  • DRC
  • Eswatini
  • Lesotho
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mauritius
  • Mozambique
  • Namibia
  • Seychelles
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe



About MSD

Medical Stores Department (MSD) was established by the Act of Parliament No.13 of 1993 as an autonomous department under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children responsible for developing, maintaining and managing an efficient and cost effective system of procurement, storage and distribution of approved medicines and medical supplies required for use by all public health facilities.