Kilimanjaro zone
Kilimanjaro zone was established in 1998 and is located in the Northern part of the country. Kilimanjaro zone serves three regions: Arusha, Kilimanjaro, and Manyara. This zone serves three (3) regions with seventeen (19)councils, with a population of 4.76 millionpeople (unpublished census statistics of 2012), Arusha, a population size of 1.69 million, Kilimanjaro, 1.64 million, and Manyara, 1.43million. Kilimanjaro zone serves a total of 860 Public Health Facilities. These facilities include Government facilities and Faith-based Organizations. However, the zone serves One (1)Zonal Referral Hospital,one (1)Specialised Hospital, three (3) Reginalreferral Hospitals,eighteen(18)District Hospitals,and the remaining 837 arePrimary Health Facilities.
KILIMANJARO ZONESTRATEGICALLY INTENDED; - To facilitate the smooth flow of health commodities from the Central Warehouse to the Kilimanjaro zone warehouse and finally distribute them to all health facilities within our zone. In developing zonal supply chain management, consideration was made to ensure that all principles and necessary flow of information, such as flow of funds, commodities, and reverse logistics, are considered in carrying its mandates.
STORAGE OF HEALTH COMMODITIES - The main objectives are to Store and distribute Health commodities to all Health facilities in the three regions of Arusha, Kilimanjaro, and Manyara. Maintaining proper storage conditions ensures the quality of life-saving health commodities. Product expiration dates are based on adequate storage conditions, and providing these storage conditions helps to protect product quality and save resources. Kilimanjaro Zone maintains a comprehensive inventory of medicines, medical supplies, and laboratory reagents in its warehouses, which are located in the Majengo area of Moshi Municipality and have a storage capacity of 1,786square meters.
DISTRIBUTION COVERAGE - The Kilimanjaro zone, covering about 100,000 square kilometers, distributes health commodities to northern Tanzania. It is one of the MSD zones that serves hard-to-reach areas due to steep mountains, roads with rivers, rain, cold weather, fog, and other slippery conditions. The Kilimanjaro zone serves 19 districts with 860 health facilities, including special hospitals, zonal referral hospitals, Regional Referral hospitals, District hospitals, Designated district hospitals, military hospitals, health centers, and dispensaries.
The zone implements six cycles of direct delivery to all 18 Government district-level hospitals, one special hospital, three regional referral hospitals, one zonal referral hospital, 656 dispensaries, 115 public health centers, and 66 faith-based organizations (FBOs). Other facilities served include schools, colleges, military hospitals, Community pharmacies, and other authorized private hospitals. The number of facilities served constantly changes due to the expansion of health facilities.
CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT - Kilimanjaro SBU has a significant customer base. It has well-trained and supportive staff to deliver a high standard level of service to all its segmented customers. The customers have been segmented into two groups;
1. Corporate customers who are Hospitals that fall under Zonal Referral Hospitals, Specialized Service Hospitals, Regional Referrals, and all programs.
2. Non-corporate customers include Primary Health Facilities (Dispensaries, Health Centers), District Hospitals registered by PO-RALG, and the Ministry of Health.
CUSTOMER FEEDBACK AND COMPLAINTS HANDLING - Kilimanjaro SBU welcomes opinions and feedback to improve our services. Customer opinions and feedback are treated with the utmost confidentiality and used for the intended purpose only. Customers can share their views and feedback through a letter, suggestion box, e-mail, telephone, website, portal system, physical visit, or other convenient means. Also, the Kilimanjaro zone has opened different communication platforms, like WhatsApp, to bring customers together.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Kilimanjaro Zone remains committed to its role as a responsible corporate citizen towards its stakeholders and the communities within which it operates. Over the years, we have contributed significantly to initiatives that benefit disadvantaged communities and tie in with our operation. We work closely with the community to maintain social services and return surplus to our community.