Mbeya Zone
Mbeya zone, one of 10 MSD zones, was established in 1998 as a Sales Point center serving two regions, Mbeya and Rukwa, with almost 240 health facilities within the Regions. In the year 2000, the sales point was upgraded to a Zonal office with more authority in executing its operations; the zone is located in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania and currently serves three regions: Mbeya, Rukwa, and Songwe, as well as the Makete district of Njombe region for logistical reasons. Like other zones, the Mbeya zone operates under the Director General.In the financial year 2013/2014, it was transformed into Strategic Business Unit (SBU). This zone was strategically designed to facilitate the smooth flow of health from our Central Warehouses in Dar es Salaam to Mbeya zones and finally distributed to health facilities. In developing the zonal supply chain management, consideration was made to ensure that all principles and necessary information flows, such as funds, commodities, and reverse logistics, are considered in carrying out its mandate, as shown in the diagram below.
Distribution Coverage -
Mbeya zone distributes health products to the southern highlands part of Tanzania, with a total of about one hundred thousand square kilometers; it is one of the MSD zones that serve hard-to-reach areas due to the steep mountains, roads with rivers, rain, and cold weather, fog, and other slippery areas. Mbeya zone serves 17 councils with 884 health facilities, ranging from zonal referral hospitals to dispensaries. It implements the six direct delivery cycles in all 17 district-level hospitals, nine district-designated hospitals, three regional referral hospitals, one zonal referral hospital, 729 dispensaries, 70 public health centers, 55 faith-based organizations (FBOs), schools, colleges, military hospitals, and other authorized private hospitals. The number of facilities served constantly changes due to the ongoing expansion and improvement of the provision of health services in the country.
Storage of Health Commodities
Maintaining proper storage conditions ensures the quality of life-saving health commodities. Product expiration dates are based on adequate storage conditions, and providing these storage conditions helps to protect product quality and save resources.
Mbeya Zone stores medicines, medical supplies, and laboratory reagents in its warehouses located strategically in the Iwambi area. These storage facilities, with 5,340 square meters, are modern, computerized, and technological warehouses.
To address storage challenges in picking, receiving, and dispatching items, the Mbeya zone adopted a Proof of Delivery (POD) system. This POD usage is a significant step in enhancing transparency, accountability, and customer satisfaction. By consistently embracing technological advancements and maintaining rigorous oversight, we can continue to provide our customers with the highest service standards.
Customer Feedback and Complaints Handling
Mbeya zone welcomes opinions and feedback to improve its services. Customer opinions and feedback are treated with the utmost confidentiality and used for the intended purpose only. Customers can share their views and feedback through a letter, suggestion box, e-mail, telephone, website, physical visit, or any other convenient means. Also, Mbeya Zone has opened different communication platforms, such as WhatsApp groups, to bring together customers and stakeholders.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Mbeya Zone remains committed to its role as a responsible corporate citizen toward its stakeholders and the communities within which it operates. Over the years, we have contributed significantly to initiatives that benefit disadvantaged communities and are related to our operations. We work closely with the community to maintain social services and return surplus to our community.