Distribution of Health Commodities
Medical Stores Department Distribution network starts from MSD Headquarter warehouses in Dar es salaam and proceeds to strategically located Zonal Stores in different parts of the country and lasts to health facilities. MSD has an adequate fleet of 215 distribution vehicles, that delivers medicines, medical supplies and Laboratory reagents direct to more than 8,500 Heath facilities (hospitals, Health centers and dispensaries) across the country.
The system of Direct Delivery has registered tremendous improvements in terms of timely service delivery, order fill rate, quality and accurate documentation, which have in turn led to increased customer satisfaction. The distribution chain starts from MSD Headquarters Central Warehouse located in Dar-es-salaam and is accomplished to last miles (individual health facilities) thorough MSD zonal stores located strategically in Dar es salaam, Mtwara, Mbeya, Iringa, Dodoma, Tabora, Mwanza, Kilimanjaro, Tanga as well as Muleba.
Customer orders are submitted through electronic platform commonly known as Electronic Logistics Management System (eLMIS). The eLMIS system is integrated with the Epicor system used by MSD to tailor customer needs. MSD also distributes Program commodities whose delivery system is integrated with special items with the support of Electronic Logistics Management System (ELMIS). This includes National Aids Control Program (NACP), National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), Immunization and Vaccines Development (IVD), National TB / Leprosy Program (NTLP), Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD), Reproductive and Child Health Services (RCHS) and Tanzania Food and Nutritional Centre (TFNC). This initiative is aimed at reducing distribution costs and managing medical commodities within one supply chain resulting in greater reach and efficiencies. The eLMIS system is also used by the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders to monitor the import, distribution and use of medicines, medical equipment and laboratory reagents in the country.
We are also special cold chain logistics service providers in the country. MSD delivers a dedicated cold chain supplies of vaccines and other related cold chain products to over 8,200 health facilities across the country. The operations are undertaken as per guiding SOPs for stock receipts, storage, packing, transportation and delivery to our customers. All our staff receive comprehensive training which is refreshed annually or as changes occur.
It’s not just the services we offer that make us unique, but also our disciplined processes, high quality standards of distribution practices and commitment to zero defects; meaning that you will get reliable and consistent service. These repeatable processes comply with International Good Distribution Practices set by World Health Organization (WHO), Government of Tanzania Medicine and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) and Tanzania Bureau of Standard (TBS).