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Core Values

These are our core values in which the department is undertaken to uphold in pursuing the attainment of its vision:

  1. Reliability: We consistently fulfil our responsibilities with honesty and accuracy. Our customers can depend on us to fulfil their needs efficiently, and in a timely manner;
  2. Innovation:We encourage new ideas and creativity in improving how we deliver our services. We are problem solvers, dedicated to finding more efficient and effective ways of fulfilling our mandate;
  3. Teamwork:We support each other, working co-operatively, respecting each other’s views, and making our work environment enjoyable and conducive for one another;
  4. Integrity:We are determined to remain transparent, honest and ethical in what we think, say and do. We are committed to maintaining impartiality and stand accountable for our practices; and
  5. Customer Focused: We recognize and engage our customers in a timely and friendly manner. We use customer insights to shape our products, services, and strategy.

About MSD

Medical Stores Department (MSD) was established by the Act of Parliament No.13 of 1993 as an autonomous department under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children responsible for developing, maintaining and managing an efficient and cost effective system of procurement, storage and distribution of approved medicines and medical supplies required for use by all public health facilities.