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Demand and Supply Planning Unit

Demand and Supply Planning Unit responsible for coordinating Supply Planning, monitoring stock levels and replenishments. The section ensures demand peaks and troughs are smoothened out by health commodities that are procured and delivered more efficiently to fulfil customer requirements.Demand and Supply Planning Section is a traffic controller for stocks within MSD. For its effectiveness, the section reports to the Directorate responsible for demand and supply of health commodities and has the ultimate accountability on stock controls.


  1. To carry out this function, it uses the National Demand Forecasts submitted by the MoH and any additional demands raised by health facilities through MSD zones and headquarter to update procurement plan, call off orders and inventory levels. The section also acts as a traffic controller for health commodities within MSD.
  2. Nevertheless, periodical reviews and tracking are conducted to mitigate any risk that might occur to cause over stocking or understocking. In the circumstances of overstocking health commodities may end up expiring.
  3. To streamline responsibilities, the O&SP meetings are conducted to provide a platform to staff engaged in the operational supply chain to discuss issues including stock availability, pipeline management and replenishment. However, issues that are not resolved are submitted to directors to review and intervene accordingly.

Duties and Responsibilities of the DSPS

  1. In collaboration with ICT; organize, analyse and uploads forecasted data in ERP system; 
  2. Develop and monitor implementation of replenishment plan;
  3. Collaborate with departments, units, sections and MSD Zones in monitoring pipeline and additional demand of health commodities;
  4. Analyze stock level status and reviewing of Call offs orders
  5. Advise and empower zones to use the appropriate and accurate forecasted data to monitor stock status at zones through mentorship, and vetting process
  6. Communicate with departments, units, sections and zones on stock management update through O&SP meetings.
  7. Implement new initiatives related to Data Use such as IMPACT approach at MSD.
  8. Analyze requirements for items with short shelf life and recommend rejections or acceptance to receive through designated acceptance/rejection forms.
  9. Advise MSD inspection and acceptance committee (MIAC) who shall make appropriate decisions that will not risk MSDs resources and reputations.
  10. To implement any duty and activity as may be directed by the Director responsible for Demand and Supply Plan



About MSD

Medical Stores Department (MSD) was established by the Act of Parliament No.13 of 1993 as an autonomous department under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children responsible for developing, maintaining and managing an efficient and cost effective system of procurement, storage and distribution of approved medicines and medical supplies required for use by all public health facilities.