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Mbeya Zone

Mbeya zone was established on 1998 as Sales Point centre serving 2 regions Mbeya and Rukwa with almost 669 health facilities within the Regions. The zone is located in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania and serves three regions: Mbeya, Rukwa, and Songwe, as well as Makete district of Njombe region for logistical reasons. Like other zones Mbeya zone operates under the directorate of logistics and zonal operation.In the year 2000 the sales point was upgraded to Zonal office this provided the staff with more authority on dealing with their customers and ensuring operations are smooth.

In the financial year 2013/2014 it was transformed into Strategic Business Unit (SBU). There are a number of drivers that lead MSD to transform Dar es Salaam zone to Strategic Business Unit (SBU). These include; Health sector reform, Vertical program logistical integration, Direct Delivery (DD) system, increasingly competitive market, growth of MSD in terms of facility needs and branching out and the urge to achieve an optimal match between strategy and structure.

Strategically intended

  1. To be an accessible seller and distributor of Medicines and Medical Supplies of right quality, price, quantity and at right time offering superior services to Dar-es-salaam, Pwani  as well as  Morogoro region habitants.
  2. To be a center of excellence for health commodities supply chain in Dar-es-salaam, Pwani  as well as  Morogoro region offering the best storage and distribution services closer to our customers.
  3. To improve sells and distribution of health commodities through good leadership, establishing distribution schedule, timely order fulfilment and enhance communication to our customers.
  4. To improve service to our customers through shortens lead-time, increase stock availability, quality health commodities and stabilized working ERP System.
  5. In expansion of market, retain existing customers, revive dormant customers and enhance customers /stakeholders.

About MSD

Medical Stores Department (MSD) was established by the Act of Parliament No.13 of 1993 as an autonomous department under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children responsible for developing, maintaining and managing an efficient and cost effective system of procurement, storage and distribution of approved medicines and medical supplies required for use by all public health facilities.