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Contract Compliance Unit

Contract Compliance is one of the Unit under the Directorate of Logistics and Operations which was established on February 2023 with the overall objective of improving MSD procurement efficiency through ensuring adequate and smooth execution and implementation of the entered contracts by monitoring that both parties are bound by the law to comply to the set terms, requirements, and conditions. Contract compliance ensures that all contractual obligations between the organization and vendors are met effectively and in line with agreed-upon terms. This process includes reviewing contracts for adherence to legal and business requirements, monitoring ongoing compliance, ensuring timely delivery of goods and services, and evaluating performance.


This section monitors and evaluates the implementation of the contract and in so doing the section responsible for:

  1. Liaise with PMU on all signed contracts for implementation and management
  2. Ensure that contracts are executed in accordance with the law
  3. Follow up on delivery of health commodities goods as per expected time of delivery outlined in the contract
  4. Communicate any required contract amendments to the Procurement Management Unit for their action
  5. Communicate with supplier on maters related to contract implementation
  6. Attend all suppliers’ correspondence and complaints related with implementation of contract
  7. Conduct supplier performance analysis and identify suppliers who do not comply and advise action to be taken
  8. Maintain and archive records of contract management


  • Close monitoring and management of health commodities procurement contracts entered into by the institution
  • Strengthening communication between suppliers and MSD
  • Resolution of challenges arising from the implementation of contracts
  • Close monitoring on Suppliers to ensure timely delivery of health commodities which in return increasing the availability of through the contracts we issued
  • Monitoring collection and replacement of rejected goods due to specification non-conformance to ensure the involved suppliers held accountable according to the laws and contract terms
  • Identification of suppliers who do not fulfil the contracts as intended

About MSD

Medical Stores Department (MSD) was established by the Act of Parliament No.13 of 1993 as an autonomous department under the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children responsible for developing, maintaining and managing an efficient and cost effective system of procurement, storage and distribution of approved medicines and medical supplies required for use by all public health facilities.